Sylvania Reflections

Larry's Opinions and Items Of Interest From Penn's Woods

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


One of the classic questions in conducting an employment interview is: "Name one (or 2 or 3) mistake you've made and what you did to correct it." The idea being that everybody makes mistakes, but the best candidates learn from them, correct them and move on. So the interviewer is attempting to find out how the interviewee reacts to their own mistakes. And how honest they are.

Many books for interviewees list that question as one that should be expected. And it is easy to answer if one gives it some thought beforehand. Determine a mistake that after your correction it resulted an outstanding victory. Or a mistake that wasn't really a mistake. But be prepared for the question.

During the second Presidential Debate, one interviewer, a Linda Grabel, asked the President: "Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it." The president talked a lot but never really answered the question. He did finally say that he made some mistakes in appointments, but he wasn't going to name them because he didn't want to hurt their feelings on nationwide TV. And he did not say what he did about those appointments.

I'm really surprised, actually shocked, that the President was not prepared for that question. He'd even been asked it before a couple of times in one news conference within the last year. It's amazing that neither the President nor his advisors thought to prepare for that really basic interview question.

Because of that question, I think Linda Grabel and the nation found out something very telling about the President and his advisors. I don't know about Linda's reaction but the lack of an answer is very bothersome to me. And this non-answer from the guy that's been President almost four years now.


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