Sylvania Reflections

Larry's Opinions and Items Of Interest From Penn's Woods

Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Osama bin Laden Message of October 29.

Of course bin Laden wants to see Bush re-elected!

He attacked Bush in the tape, most likely expecting a reaction from the US public in support of Bush. Also, the tape itself raises the fear of terrorism and polls show people (wrongly) trust Bush more than Kerry when it comes to defeating terrorism. So my take on the tape is that it will help Bush more than Kerry.

But why does Osama want Bush re-elected?

Bush is playing directly into Osama's hand. He's leading the US down the road to ruin. Kerry won't do that.

Bush's actions help bin Laden's cause among Arabs. Bush is the poster boy for al Qaida recruitment. In Iraq, he has created a great recruitment area and training ground for terrorists. Bush also provided them with plenty of arms and munitions by invading without enough forces to secure the country.

Bush has alienated the whole world, not just al Qaida. The majority of people in the world, including in the "coalition" countries, are against the war in Iraq. Our friends and allies are still our friends and allies (I hope and pray), but foreign relations sure are strained. Al Qaida and Bush have divided us from the rest of the world and that's to Osama's benefit.

Bush's outrageous spending and tax cuts have us headed toward a tremendous fiscal crisis in the not too distant future. Hopefully we'll be able to recover from it, but who knows? Osama may believe that we won't survive that crisis. So he would want to keep Bush in office to make sure we do have that crisis.

Also, the "war on terror" helps Bush's popularity. If he gets re-elected, it will be because of the "war on terror" and the way he has stirred up the public about it. It's to Bush's advantage to keep the "war on terror" going and to have Osama on the loose. So Osama may think he has a better chance of survival with Bush as President. I agree with him.


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