Sylvania Reflections

Larry's Opinions and Items Of Interest From Penn's Woods

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why did Bush carry Lawrence County, PA?

Rural Lawrence County Pennsylvania, where I have been living for five years, is on the Ohio border next to Youngstown and fifty miles north of Pittsburgh. The county seat is New Castle.

There were a couple of eye-opening articles in the New Castle News yesterday, both dealing with why Bush carried the county. The first page article starts out with this:

"Four years ago, George W. Bush lost Lawrence County by about 2500 votes.

In last week's election, he carried the county by more than 400 votes, marking the first time since 1972 that a Republican presidential candidate has accomplished that feat.

So how did he do it in a county that has 10,000 more democrats?"

The article talks about Valerie Measel, the co-chair of the county Bush/Cheney campaign, who believes it was the efforts of the volunteers plus motivation on the "moral values". The "moral values" included pro-life, partial birth abortion and gay marriage. She also thinks a lot of veterans voted for George Bush.

The county Democratic chairman also thought it was the moral values, plus additionally the right of people to keep and bear arms.

That being the case, the Democrats REALLY need to get somebody new running their presidential elections. I find it simply amazing that the Republicans could win this election given Bush's history and the fact that on many of the above listed issues Bush has a similar stance to Kerry. Bush has never made an explicit statement on several of the issues. He has danced around them and has made general statements whose interpretation are in the ear of the listener.

It was also stated that there was a large telephone effort by volunteers supporting Bush. From the statements of the Republican co-chair, it appears that these volunteers did not know Bush's actual position on several of the issues and were espousing erroneous information in their campaign. That's really depressing. The electorate seems to have voted for the wrong candidate for the wrong reasons. As promoted by the Republicans.

I also find it amazing that I am a conservative registered Republican living in a county that has 10,000 more Democrats than Republicans. I voted for Kerry and Bush carried the county. Why am I always on the losing side in this county?


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