Sylvania Reflections

Larry's Opinions and Items Of Interest From Penn's Woods

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Coffee and Rain

I ordered more coffee from Longbottom Coffee & Tea. This time, I ordered four pounds: One pound each of Columbian Supremos, Mocha Java, Brazilian Santos and Celebes Kalossi. I'm really enthusiastic about Longbottom's coffee. Beverly thinks I'm being overzealous based on one order. We'll see.

The rain of the last 5 days seems to be slacking off. Finally. We got quite a lot, but thankfully not as much as they got in New England. St Gregory School in Zelie shows 2.43 inches of rain in the last week. And the Slippery Rock Creek flow rate is almost 10 times what it was a week ago.

What with all the rain, everything is growing like crazy. It's really a jungle out there. Hopefully, I'll be able to mow the lawn today . . . and when I do I'd better raise the mower as high as it will go. I typically keep it long to begin with, so that means just one notch higher.

The rain has also really helped the flowers and all the plantings around the yard, too. They really look good this year. Of course, the mild winter helped also.


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