Sylvania Reflections

Larry's Opinions and Items Of Interest From Penn's Woods

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Beverly is in Union City and Erie today. This is to proceed with the legal requirements to have Earl and her the appointed executor and executrix of her father's estate.

They will also be seeing a real estate agent, Norm Troyer. They have a hand shake agreement to sell the High Street house at a reasonable price. The buyers want to deal with a real estate agent, so Beverly and Earl will see Norm to set that up.

On her way to Union Ciy, Beverly said she will be stopping to vote. The primaries are today. She's a registered Democrat and there are several contested Democratic races. I was going to go vote also, but after doing some research, I see there's no reason to vote. I'm a registered Republican and there is only one Republican per race. So no primary decisions required.

I probably should have switched to Democratic for this primary so I could vote against our incumbent State House Rep. He voted to give himself a pay raise last summer with the rest of the legislature in the middle of the night. Even today he still says the legislators deserved it. Humpf! Time for a clean sweep in PA. Vote them all out. For the details on this, check out PA Clean Sweep and PA Common Cause.


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